From: Hannibal Police Department
Date: February 13, 2017
Phone: 573-221-0987
Fax: 573-221-3966
Contact: Lt. Chad Collier
HPD TO Expand Facebook Usage
Beginning this week the Hannibal Police Department (HPD) will expand its Facebook usage to include photos and videos of suspects or persons of interests involved in criminal acts. HPD already has a Facebook page used to disseminate information to the public and social media sites are regularly searched for information related to criminal activity. “HPD frequently receives video and photos of suspects or persons of interest that are not recognizable to the officers or detectives” said Lt. Chad Collier. “By posting them on Facebook it is our hope that with the public’s assistance we can increase the likelihood of getting them identified.” In order to view the photos and video simply like the HPD Facebook page and look for the link that allows you to leave information anonymously concerning the identity of those in the photos and video.