From: Hannibal Police Department
Date: June 20, 2017
Phone: 573-221-0987
Fax: 573-221-3966
Contact: Lt. John Zerbonia
On Sunday afternoon (June 18th) officers of the Hannibal Police Department were in he 1100 block of Ely St in reference to assisting the Ralls County Sheriff’s Department in apprehending a suspect wanted for questioning on charges of attempted murder. While on scene, David James Ranabargar (30 of Hannibal) attempted to interfere with officers. Ranabargar approached the scene yelling at officers, telling them to leave the area and making throat cutting motions at officers. After the original suspect was taken into custody and placed in a vehicle for transport, Ranabargar stood in the roadway attempting to block the patrol vehicle from leaving. As the transport vehicle drove past, Ranabargar threw an unknown object at the officer driving the vehicle. The other officers on scene placed Ranabargar in custody. Ranabargar was charged with Felony Interfering With an Arrest and placed on a 24 hour hold at the Marion County Jail.